Key Features of 2021 - Health and safety in the workplace

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Key Features of 2021 - Health and safety in the workplace


Coming out of the health crisis which started the previous year, the Occupational Injuries Branch - in the whole diversity of its network - was fully involved in 2021 in supporting implementation of the commitments made under the objectives and management agreement (“Convention d’objectifs et de gestion”) 2018-2022.

The main approaches prioritized were, in particular, an increasingly intense roll-out of the national programmes for prevention of MSDs, chemical risks and risks of falls, service offerings for very small and medium-sized enterprises and development of the Branch’s online services. The commitment of the targeted enterprises to comply with these programmes, and their effectiveness, is confirmed, with positive results presented in this new report.

The use of dematerialized services continued to progress, illustrated notably by the figure of 60% of enterprises now registered on the OSH account on

In 2021, the primary health insurance funds, supported by the medical services, handled around 1.5 million claims (accidents at work, commuting accidents and occupational diseases) for those insured under the general Social Security regime. The average recognition rate for these reported cases in 2021 was 85%. While these figures represent a significant increase by comparison with 2020 when they saw an exceptional decline due to the halt in activity caused by the health crisis, they nevertheless did not regain the 2019 levels. The network of Social Security organizations remains careful to maintain a quality of service compatible with the expectations of the insured protected by the Occupational Injuries Branch.

Citer cette brochure : Assurance Maladie - Risques professionnels. Key Features of 2021 - Health and safety in the workplace. Novembre 2022.

Informations sur la publication

Propriété Valeur
Thème(s) risques professionnels et sinistralité
Mot(s)-clé(s) accident du travail ; Covid-19 ; indemnité journalière ; maladie professionnelle ; prévention et accompagnement ; santé et travail
Collection Collection L'essentiel - Santé et sécurité au travail
Date de publication novembre 2022
Auteur(s) Assurance Maladie - Risques professionnels
Fréquence de parution de la collection annuelle

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